God's Song

Psalms in Rhyming Meter

God’s Song — the book

God’s Song: Psalms in Rhyming Meter

Cover for Web 6x6Excepts from this book can be read by clicking on the “Opening Stanzas from Selected Psalms” page link to the left.  I hope reading this translation of the Psalms will cause you to meditate on the beauty of God’s Word and the Lord Himself. Hearing His message presented in different wording triggers new thoughts and fresh meaning.

What Christian educators are saying about God’s Song:

I have been teaching the Psalms for more than thirty years, and yet, as I read through these poems, I found myself repeatedly stopping to reflect on things I had never considered before, and being blessed by that exercise.
Dr. David Howard, Bethel Seminary

Why put the psalms into poetic form with rhyme and meter? There is real benefit when familiar lines are rewritten to give us deeper insights into meanings we may have missed.
Dr. Alice Mathews, Gordon-Conwell Seminary

The Psalms I know and love have been beautifully put to rhyme and meter in a way that enlightens and revives the soul.   Dr. Kristin Beasley, Phoenix Seminary

As a poet, I highly recommend God’s Song to anyone looking to infuse his or her devotional time in the Psalms with the beautiful and rich language of metrical verse. Thomas Seller’s “psalm poems” bring out new depths of meaning in the most familiar passages.
Ebony Murdoch, Director, Literary Apologetics, Athanatos Online Apologetics Academy


Book Review:

A comprehensive review by Christian Book Review is posted online. Some thoughts from the reviewer:

“The power and light of the Psalms shine through in fresh and insightful ways, inviting readers to reacquaint themselves with the grandeur of God’s character.”

“In short, God’s Song is a wonderful collection, highly recommended for those who find spiritual poetry both inspiring and intellectually satisfying.”

“The poems are easy to read, and the rhymes do not feel forced or unnatural—further evidence of the timelessness and memorability of Seller’s work.”



Ordering God’s Song:

As of 3-13-2014 this book has gone “live.” You can now order it from WestBow Press, your local bookstore, or online from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Distribution through Ingram/Day Spring.

If you would like an autographed copy, contact us at BetgurBooks@gmail.com

Softcover ISBN 978-1-4908-2758-2   $13.95.    Also available in hard cover and ebook format.

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