God's Song

Psalms in Rhyming Meter

Ps. 2 – My Refuge

Ps 2

Have you ever wanted to live in a castle? Seems like it would be the safest place on earth, right?

A refuge.
Tower of strength.

But what if that safe place wasn’t safe afterall? What if even kings and important judges could be destroyed by something while in their protected hideaway? Wouldn’t they need to depend on something, or Someone. stronger?

Now hear what I say, O ye kings and be wise;
Learn ye what is right, O ye judges of earth:
Work ye for Jehovah; the privilege prize.
Embrace ye the Son, lest His anger break forth,
And ye be destroyed; soon His wrath will grow grim.
How blessed are they who take refuge in Him!

Psalm 2:10-12 from God’s Song: Psalms in Rhyming Meter

In the KJV, this passage doesn’t just say “embrace.” It says “Kiss the Son.” Kiss. Passion. And if used discretely, it involves love and commitment.

I remember the first time I kissed my husband. He wanted to plant the first kiss, but I took him by surprise just before he got on a plane and kissed him in full view of his fellow soldiers. If he were writing this post, he would go on and on about that experience. The passion and blessings have continued for 48 years! I trust him to take care of me, to protect me and provide all I need.

I strive for an intimate relationship with Christ that is as real as the one I have with my husband. I trust Him to be my refuge, my fortress and tower of strength, my protector and provider. He is trustworthy for eternity, not just 48 years.

Father, I want to take refuge in your Son. Teach me more of what that means. Show me when I’m depending on my own defenses and not embracing the work Christ has already done on my behalf. You promise I will be blessed when I trust in Him.

What about you? How long have you trusted Christ as a refuge? Will you share some of the blessings that have come from that relationship?

Image courtesy of Tina Phillips / FreeDigitalPhotos.net









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This entry was posted on June 8, 2014 by in Blog, Royal / Kingdom Psalms and tagged .
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