God's Song

Psalms in Rhyming Meter

Ps. 12 — Promises

Ps 12.jjpg

People with good intentions make promises.
People with good character keep them.
— unknown

Broken promises. Have you ever received one? The sender probably didn’t intend to break his word. Sometimes life just gets in the way. But it sure makes us feel rejected, doesn’t it. Like we aren’t as important as the interruption.

Jehovah’s words are faithful words and pure,
.      As silver seven times re-purified;
He ever watches to preserve them sure;
.      No promise from His lips shall be denied!

Ps. 12:6-7a from Psalm Poems by Thomas M. Seller
Used by permission.

The good news is that God will never break His promise. He makes sure His words are preserved. We can count on it. If He says it, we can believe it. It’s that simple.

As a child I would sometimes cross my fingers behind my back when speaking, signifying that what I was saying wasn’t true. You couldn’t depend on my promises. Fortunately as I matured, I gave up this game. I’m not perfect, but I usually follow through with what I say I will do.

It seems there is a growing trend toward not making commitments. “Maybe a better offer will come along. Maybe I’ll change my mind. Maybe I should leave my schedule open.” I value integrity. So I appreciate it when people don’t promise if they can’t follow through.

However, I also want structure and want to know what I can depend on. If I pay my electric bill, I want a dependable promise from the electric company that they will deliver the goods. After last night’s storm, my internet connection has been undependable today. That occasionally happens in our remote location. So we depend on promises, but understand exceptions to the norm.

Isn’t it great to know that God has no exceptions. No storm detours his intentions. If he promises, he delivers. If he commits, he fulfills. What he says can be counted upon to be done. He is faithful. He is true to his word.

One of my favorite promises from God is Philippians 1:6 (NIV) “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Another is repeated in several Bible passages and is quoted in the photo above, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” I didn’t always believe this one. But that’s a story for the next post.

Lord God, who is like you in keeping their promises? Man wants to, man hopes to, man intends to. But you alone are the one who always, always keeps his promise. Your word can be trusted. Thank you that we can have confidence in this.

What about you? Have you experienced the heartache of a broken promise? Have you experienced the joy of a promise kept? What is your favorite promise from God?

Free image download from Sherman Jackson / CreationSwap.com

One comment on “Ps. 12 — Promises

  1. Susan Irene Fox
    July 9, 2014

    Oh, you’ve already quoted one of my favorite promises above: Philippians 1:6. The other is Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.”

    Thank you so much, Sandy, for stopping by my blog. I hope through our mutual love for God we will get to know each other.

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